As any mother can tell you, the moment when she learned that she was “expecting” was a call to readiness: She began to eat healthier, to avoid toxins like alcohol and tobacco, and to take vitamins in an effort to prepare her body to host a healthy baby. She also began to avoid outside activities that could put her baby at risk. This spirit of expectation is a mother’s call to receive her child with love and to do her part to help her baby grow to full term and health.
The time of Advent in the Church is almost upon us-the weeks leading up to our celebration of the birth of Jesus-and we are all called to foster a similar spirit of expectation. It is important that we make ourselves ready-in body, mind, and soul-so that the Holy Spirit can dwell within us. We are reminded that the Spirit can not live in a messy house: one filled with the clutter of idols, addictions, and dependencies. We must make our house clean and welcoming for Him to come, stay, and bear fruit.
Like the miracle of birth, this “decluttering” is not a process we can do alone on our own strength. The needs of our Ego are demanding and persistent: Security, Affection, Pride, and Significance are just a few that can settle comfortably into our house. In our efforts to meet these needs on our own terms, we can create idols in our lives which distance us from God when we put them first. “Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them”(Jonah 2:8). It is only through God’s Grace that we can die to ourselves and dedicate our lives to Him and His will. In this time of Advent, we are called to adopt the humility of a little child and ask the Father for His help and guidance on our path to salvation.
Challenge: Take a moment this week in your time of prayer and quiet reflection to ask God to reveal your idols to you. Be honest and don’t be scandalized by yourself. God loves you. As you consider each of these idols, ask for His help to reduce their relevance in your life. God will always provide for those with a willing and humble heart.
The Good News is that Advent is just the beginning of the adventure that God wants us to experience. May God help us all to prepare ourselves during this time so we can ultimately celebrate the birth of the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our lives in the months and years ahead.
Wishing you a blessed week!